Strengthen Your Self Love

We have all gotten SO used to putting others first, and then ourselves last.

Which creates:

  • Burn out
  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Sickness
  • Stress
  • Digestive Problems
  • Lack of Confidence

All the things so many of us experience on a moment to moment basis.

But if we remember it is better, and much easier, to give from a FULL cup, then we start to see all these things disappear and become replaced with things like:

  • Joy
  • Love
  • Compassion
  • Happiness
  • Self Worth
  • Confidence
  • More Free Time
  • Excitement
  • Health
  • Wealth

So how do we fill up our own cup to start seeing these benefits?

It is actually pretty easy.

It takes a smidge of discipline to start, but these little habits very quickly become, well, HABITS.

Healthy habits you will THOROUGHLY enjoy doing daily

and will become highlights of your day.

I created an EBOOK to help you get started

because we all know it sounds AWESEOME now, but come tomorrow we will forget about it with our crazy todo lists.

So let me help keep you focused on putting yourself first and bringing some more awesomeness into your life.

Head over HERE to get yourself a copy

Strength Your Self LOVE Ebook

Regain Your Control

Life gets weird.

We all know it.

So what do we do when it does?

It can be really easy to loose ourselves when something, or multiple things, come up that take over our minds. Every thought becomes centered around it. And before you know it a few weeks, maybe months, have gone by and you feel like you’ve lost yourself and any momentum in the direction of keeping yourself centered and balanced.  

Well…. that’s just another thought too. 

And we are not our thoughts. We, our souls,  just observe them. And we can choose which ones we want to listen to. The fact you realized time had flown by tells you your mind is growing and strengthening. This time your awareness caught up and now is your opportunity to refocus. To recenter and get balanced out. 

The perfect opportunity actually. 

Because now you have a really good idea of what you DON’T want. So start adjusting and adding in more of what you DO want. 

And please remember – sustainable changes are made by taking baby steps. Not 10, or even 5, huge changes all at once.

ONE change at a time. ( Maybe 2 , but lets keep it at that )

Make it small. It could even look like spending the next 3 days thinking and entertaining the thought of making a baby step. THAT IS A STEP. 

The smaller the step, the more likely you are to do it and accomplish it. Then, your baby steps will add up, and the more you accomplish them the more confidence you will have in yourself and your ability to make change.   And it just grows and grows from there 🙂 

You’ve Got this!

I know you do!

Need a little guidance?

What is one thing that is bothering you lately?
What do you want it to look like instead? 

Now – what is your baby step you can take right now?

And as always – I am here to help if you need more in-depth guidance

Send me a message.

That right there could be your baby step.     🙂

All my best, 


A reoccurring lesson in my life has been about the power of Gratitude.

Reoccurring only because I keep unknowingly stopping my practice and putting myself into a place where I have to relearn the lesson to get back on track. Back in balance.

I’m human. I learn as I go. As do we all. 🙂

It’s been a hard lesson at times, but always very worth it. .

When we are not grateful for the things we have in our lives, we can soon find ourselves without any of them. I’ve been here many times.

The universe will forever amaze me in its ability to massively shift my reality to get it back into balance.

And it can do it very quickly.

lack of gratitude for what currently is . . . will shift our realities into one of lack of everything. We live in a world of complete abundance, but when we aren’t grateful, we look through eyes of lack. We pick out whats missing, instead of appreciating what is there, the abundance.

I have learned gratitude can also work just as quickly in the opposite direction. Almost instantaneously.

Gratitude, when practiced correctly, instantly changes our bodies vibrations from a place of lack, to a place of abundance and love. And when it comes to drawing in that which we are wanting…. coming from a place of love, abundance, and joy draws it in insanely quicker than from a place of fear, worry, or lack.

As soon as I realized I wasn’t showing gratitude for the things in my life, I made it a point to list off at least 3 things before bed that night, and again right as I woke up the following morning. I felt like a different person the remainder of that following day. The way the people around interacted with me, the experiences and opportunities I ended up having, my own state of happiness and joy had literally flip flopped over night from a place of feeling alone, sorrowful, unworthy, and disappointed in myself, to a place of comfort, joy, happiness, compassion, and overflowing with abundance.

Being grateful raises our vibration. It helps us feel lighter, more clear, more grounded and centered. From this place, we are working with life instead of against it and things start falling right into place.  It forces us to come from a place of love, over a place of fear.

I may be talking more about the importance of always coming from a place of love in another post, but until I do, here is a little snip bit….every decision and every thought we have that comes from a place of love, will catapult us forward into a higher state of happiness and joy, while every decision and thought based off of fear will drag us farther down into the lower vibrations of unhappiness and imbalance.

Always be coming from a place of love : )

And back to gratitude….

If you want to bring some of this wonderfulness into your life here is my own gratitude practice to help you get an idea for yourself.

For each, I list off 3 things I am grateful for. If not more. You can do this just in your head, but writing it down is even more powerful. And even more powerful than that is sharing them with someone else.

  • Right as I wake up (before I even get out of bed)
  • Before I eat. So breakfast, lunch, and dinner ( if I’m totally on my game…before my snacks too )
  • Before I start work.
  • Before I go to bed.

At first it takes a little to get in the hang of it, but once you do…its really easy to list off way more than 3. The more the better!!

Now this is a lot…if you are completely new to this gratitude thing….I would start with one of those.  So maybe either right before bed, or as you wake up. And once you have that down…keep going 🙂

↓ This is key ↓

It is not merely about quickly muttering out anything. You have to actually genuinely be grateful. It is about FEELING it. You have to really appreciate that which you are saying you are grateful for. It is this feeling that changes the vibration in our body.

What we FEEL … is what we get.

And we have the power to choose what we feel.

•   •  •

I will be forever grateful for the privilege of choice.

I will be forever grateful for the knowledge I receive and the ability to share it with all of you.

I am grateful for the journey I am on and that it has brought me here.

•   •  •


A Note To Myself

A note to myself… And to those others who find meaning in these words as well.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Half of you love me.

Half of you hate me.

Some days you’ll love me.

Some days you won’t. 

Just so you know. I will always love you. On the days you hate me, on the days you love me, and the days you aren’t sure what to think of me. 

I might dislike a decision, or action you take…but I will quickly see it’s roots…and return right back to loving you in all of your forms.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Let your heart break. Let it break completely open.

 And when you find yourself on your hands and knees in a pain deeper than you’ve ever felt… Let this Earth fill it with an abundance of nothing but pure deep love.  Feel the calmness. This deep feeling of peace. Breathe it in deeper than you’ve ever felt before.

And then realize… You are the one who is giving it to yourself. You created this love, and you just remembered how to let yourself once again feel it.

 You are beautiful. 

You are powerful.

You are love.

You are loved. 

Break my heart open, and fill it with love.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So many layers, meanings, and perspectives.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

We chose the one we want to see. 


I Like What I See

When you wake up in the morning, look around.

Look at your hands, your legs and body.

Look at the bed you’re in, the room that surrounds you.

The things that surround you.

Look at yourself in the mirror.

And say – I like what I see.

It might sound congruent.

It might not at all.

Some of it may, while some of it might not.

All is okay.

Each morning, keep saying, I like what I see.

And before you know it…if you didn’t already…you will start loving what you see. Your life will shift, your perspective will shift, the things that surround you will shift into being congruent with this statement.

Everywhere you go…

I like what I see.

I love what I’m doing.

We create the reality that is in front of us. Every piece.

First in our minds, then manifesting out through physical form.

If we are looking around saying/thinking I don’t like what I see, I don’t like where I am or what I’m doing….we create more of that for ourselves.  Those words, those thoughts are like seeds being planted in our minds, and the more we think and say them…the more we water them to grow and get bigger.

Lets only grow what we want to see.

When we catch ourselves looking out and seeing something we don’t like…retract from those thoughts…and replace them with, I like what I see. It may seem weird to say I like what I see, when in actuality we may not currently like what’s in front of us… keep your trust. The transformative power behind looking at something that you don’t like, and saying out loud, I like what I see….will probably shock you.

Reinforcing this in our minds can very quickly shift what you are looking at into something you actually like seeing.

You will know you’ve learned this concept when you’re living, moving, and doing everything in a state of joyful flow, each moment and experience growing in power one after another.

“The desire for a more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And paradoxically, the acceptance of ones negative experience is itself a positive experience.” Mark Manson


The light in me, sees and honors the light in you.