Surrender – Release – Let Go

Surrender into the feeling that everything happens just as it is supposed to. 

Walk tall into the moments of pain, hurt, and uncertainty. 
See them as perfect lessons, perfect stepping stones to get you where you want to go.

A common theme in my life the past couple weeks has been to surrender into these moments. To become less rigid and tense and trust the process.

It came up in a yoga class.

For those of you familiar with yoga – holding a position for a long period of time can bring about some serious mind chatter . . . ‘how much longer do I have to hold this, this hurts, I can’t do this.’ Well, this is one way to experience it. However, when you surrender into the moment instead, into the stretch and uncomfortable feeling you’ll find a state of pure bliss. 

Not just in yoga though. Anywhere. 

When something is uncomfortable or unfamiliar, surrender into that feeling and see it as a blessing. 
When I say surrender, for me that looks like and feels like an expansion of my mind. I am opening it up and allowing for a new something to take its place. ( for new space to be created, a new pathway to form ) 

It brings a whole different perspective to struggle and pain. 

And a whole new form of gratitude and peace. 

Instead of seeing these moments as unwanted, painful, or steps back, they could actually be the perfect preparation for a giant leap forward if we allow them to be – by simply surrendering. 
I do think it is also important to keep your well-earned and sturdy roots in place during this process as well. It is not always about letting go of everything you know. We got this far for a reason and we’ve been through enough lessons to know what we want to stand for and what we value.  Be open to other opinions about your sturdy roots, you never know you might need to upgrade them yourself at some point, but remember why you grew them in the first place as well.
Accept What Is   –  Let Go of What Was  –  Be Open to What is Coming Next.

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